SYSTEM WARNING: 'file_get_contents( failed to open stream: Connection refused' in '/var/www/virtual/newwrapper/' line 5

ClearOS Bug Tracker

ClearOS - Change Log

ClearOS - 5.1

- 0000041: [app-smtp - SMTP Server] Mail Queue manager not functioning correclty when more than 1 page long - closed.
- 0000030: [app-samba - Windows Networking] SID for winadmin account set improperly to 512 by recent update (user2) - closed.
- 0000214: [app-samba - Windows Networking] Smbclient fails to connect to Windows 7 with Live Sign-In Assistant installed (user2) - closed.
- 0000142: [app-mail-antispam - Mail Antispam] FuzzyOCR fails to process all rules due to missing perl sanitizing (user2) - closed.
- 0000109: [app-log-viewer - Log Viewer] Disable lmsensors report for some types of hardware (user2) - closed.
- 0000034: [app-intrusion-prevention - Intrusion Prevention] Snortsam does not always block hosts in a timely manner (user2) - closed.
- 0000072: [app-mail-antispam - Mail Antispam] Antispam system is missing rule mappings (user2) - closed.
- 0000035: [app-samba - Windows Networking] The maximum password age is set to 180 days but should be disabled (user2) - closed.
- 0000005: [deprecated - ClearOS 5 Protocol Filter] Protocols with dashes in their names are not blocked (dsokoloski) - closed.
- 0000020: [app-intrusion-prevention - Intrusion Prevention] Firewall restart does not regenerate all snortsam iptables rules (dsokoloski) - closed.
- 0000026: [app-network - Network Settings] PPPoE reconfiguration may fail due to underlying network card settings (user2) - closed.
- 0000023: [app-samba - Windows Networking] Default configuration for "wide links"... (jterpstra) - closed.
- 0000001: [app-log-viewer - Log Viewer] Chart legend missing in reports (user2) - closed.

[13 issues]

SYSTEM WARNING: 'file_get_contents( failed to open stream: Connection refused' in '/var/www/virtual/newwrapper/' line 7